12 Pack Can Cooler - Item #6575
sku: 015704-657512 Pack Can Cooler - Item #6575
Sports Edition - 600D w/ PVC backing, polyester, dual zippered main compartment w/ heavy insulation, mesh pocket under top opening, double zippered front pocket w/inside organizer, 2 large elastic string-sided pockets, translucent piping to match fabric adjustable shoulder strap
TSC Sku: 6575
Colors: Blue/Black
Sizes: 10"x12"x6"
Production Time: 14 -16 weeks normal production time. Plan ahead !!
Comments: Call for price breaks on larger quantities.
Shipping additonal - FOB California
Minimum Quantity Unit Price
1,000 - 4,999 $5.10
5,000 - 9,999 $4.75
10,000 - + $4.50
*Prices subject to change without notice.